Due to illnesses there will be not be a board meeting tonight.
🎄Lookeba-Sickles Elementary Christmas Programs🎄
Week of Decebmer 11-15
Ping Pong Toss Contest!!
Week at a Glance for December 4-8
Mini Cheer Performance!🎄📣🎄📣
This is a reminder to parents that mini cheer camp will be over at 4:30 pm today, so please be there at that time to pick up your child. Thank you!
Week at a Glance
Support L-S Cheer!📣🐾🍪🍰
Last day is tomorrow!
Don't forget that Wednesday, November 15th is the last day to sign up for Mini Cheer Camp! Contact Kristy Carver for more information!
Week of November 12-18
Attention parents!! The 3rd and 4th grade basketball teams will be leaving as soon as school is out to go play at Calumet. The high school will be playing tonight at Calumet as well, so the bus will not be returning until after the high school game.
Cheer Baked Goods Raffle!
The Veteran's Day program is Thursday, November 9 at 1:00p.m. at the Lookeba-Sickles High School. All veterans are invited for lunch at 12:00pm.
Becca will be at the HS Tuesday, November 7 to pick up panther and letterman jacket deposits and order forms. She will be at the elementary on Thursday for panther jacket orders.
There will be four 5th-6th grade games played today, November 6th at LSHS starting with the girls game at 4:00pm.
There will be no school on Wednesday, November 8. This is to allow faculty, staff, and students to attend the funeral of Jimmy Steve Massey. The service will be at Sickles Community Church at 10:00am.
Week at a Glance November 6-10
🐾Panther Season Passes!🐾