Lookeba-Sickles Friends & Alumni


Verlon Thompson

Ellie and Madi

Ellie Willard & Madilynn Barger


Joye Hamilton

Benny Sisson

Benny Sisson


Lana and Verlon

Friends & Alumni

of Lookeba-Sickles Schools, Inc. 

Established 2006


Vice President




Ex-officio Member
Bart Stover
L-S Supt. of Schools

Forms and Letters


Mission: The mission of the Foundation is to provide a vehicle through which tax-deductible gifts can be made to provide scholarships for graduates, to provide financial support to selected projects of the School, and to seek private support for the enhancement of the School. As a non-profit foundation, all contributions will be tax deductible and will go entirely toward the support of the School and scholarships. The Foundation will also provide the opportunity for alumni and friends to designate a portion of their estates to assure a bright future for the Lookeba-Sickles students of today and tomorrow.


Funds have been and will continue to be routinely audited by a certified financial auditor. 

 Please feel free to contact any board member with comments or questions. 

To make a contribution to the support of the Foundation, checks should be made payable to: 

 Friends and Alumni of L-S Schools, Inc.

P.O. Box 43

Lookeba, OK 73053


Continuing the legacy...

"Providing excellent educational opportunities

for Lookeba-Sickles School Students!"